Here are some of the ways that you can contribute to Emmanuel Church through tithes, offerings, and other designations:
Donations using cash, cheques, or debit can be brought to the church office during our office hours or given on Sunday mornings. We no longer have offering bags that are passed around during the service but instead have offering boxes located at the back of the auditorium by the exit doors. You can put your giving in these boxes as you leave the service. The boxes are under lock and key. As well, there is a giving station in our church foyer where Giving Envelopes can be placed.
(This is the preferred method as there are not banking fees )
You can give by doing an e-transfer from your bank. Send the e-transfer to In the message of your e-transfer please mention where you want your donation directed: 1. General Fund 2. Missions Fund 3. Other with explanation.
We have a debit machine that is available at a kiosk by our Connect Desk in our foyer. It takes both credit and debit cards. Simply follow the instructions at the kiosk and place the Giving Envelope in the Giving Slot.
Some people opt for a Pre-Authorized Tithes plan, where tithes and offerings are automatically received from their bank account. This automatic withdrawal can take place once or twice per month, depending on your personal financial strategy. You can find forms at the debit machine kiosk.
If you would like to give online, click the button below which allows for donations to be made to the church via the Church Center app.
Also, if you are new to giving to Emmanuel Church please provide your full mailing address for income tax purposes.
We are thankful for all the ways in which God uses people to provide for the initiatives and ministries of our church family.
The use of funds is confined to Emmanuel Church ministry. Should the need be met, or it is unable to be carried out, donors agree that donations will be used where needed most. Designations are only received for church-sanctioned projects.