All of us have been hurt by someone at some point of time or another. This means that it isn't easy to embrace one of the core...
Paul, from prison, wrote a letter to the Ephesians, citizens of a significant cultural centre in the Roman empire. Right from the...
There is nothing like having someone pray for you! In our passage, Paul reminds us through his extravagant sermon from prison that...
Most of the time when we are given the option to hear bad news and good news, we choose to hear the bad news first. Often times, it is...
In Ephesians Paul hints at the Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal of Jesus: through his death, he would bring reconciliation to the nations,...
God has given us a new suit to wear in Christ, a new way of living. The suit fits, not because of what we've done, but because of what...
It's hard to wear two styles of clothing at the same time. Paul uses the picture of a new set of clothes to describe the new life in...
It's incredibly challenging figuring out family life today. And to think of the Christian community being called the "Family of God"...
Just when we start to embrace the vision God has for humanity, one of peace and unity and thanksgiving, we have to come to terms that...