He can satisfy your need for forgiveness. We all do things that we know are wrong and we need forgiveness whether we know it or not. Jesus’ death on the cross made it possible for us to be forgiven and brought into relationship with Him.
He can give you purpose. We all wrestle with the questions of: Why am I here? What is my purpose? When a person places their trust in Jesus, that emptiness is filled.
He can give you peace. None of us are exempt from problems. Jesus said: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” He can give you assurance of life beyond death. Our life with Him, which begins now, extends beyond death to an everlasting life.
He can give you power. We can’t live in our own strength, and that’s why God has allowed his Spirit to dwell in us and change us from the inside out.
Know that Jesus loves you.
Say sorry for wrong things that you have done that have separated you from Jesus.
Thank Him for taking our penalty for sin on Himself by dying on the cross in our place.
Receive His free gift of salvation.
You can pray something like this: “Jesus, I thank you that you love me and have died on the cross for my sins. I am sorry for the things I have done that have separated myself from you and I invite you into my life. I give you full reign of my life. Make me into the kind of person you would have me to be.”
Tell someone what you have done. Often it becomes more real when you share the news with another person.
Find a bible and start reading. As you read ask God to speak to you through it. Try out the YouVersion App that has multiple Bible Versions, devotionals, and communities to help you with your Bible reading.
Talk to God every day. Prayer can involve things like praising Him for who He is, thanking Him, admit when you have done wrong, and pray for others and your own life.
Get baptized. Talk to a pastor or the church office to find out more.
Join our Discovery Class. We offer this at Emmanuel Church a couple times a year and talk about questions such as: Who are we? Who are you? What is God up to?
You now BELONG to God, He is your heavenly Father. And, because you BELONG to the family of God, that means that you are part of a big, extended family with other believers. And, if you become part of Emmanuel Church, you BELONG to that community too!